Vietnam on your
You grant this consent to Madame Lyn s.r.o., with its registered office at Petýrkova 1948/14, Prague 11, 148 00 IČ: 05536081, registered in the Public Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 265320 (hereinafter "Administrator") in the sense of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Data Protection Act"), processed the following personal data:
Name and surname
Company name
Email / telephone number
The name, surname, company name, phone number and e-mail will be kept for reservation and marketing purposes. These data will be processed by the Administrator for 3 years.
You expressly consent to the above processing. The consent can be withdrawn at any time, for example by sending an email or letter to Madame Lyn's s.r.o. contact details .
The processing of personal data is carried out by the Administrator, but personal data may also be processed for the Administrators by the following processors: Mailchimp Provider, Google Analytics and AdWords. Alternatively, other providers of processing software, services and applications that are not currently used by the company.
Please note that under the Personal Data Protection Act you have the right to:
To widrawn consent at any time
Ask us for information about the processing of your personal data,
Request an explanation for us regarding the processing of personal data,
Request access to these data with us and update these data,
Require us to erase this personal information
In case of doubt about compliance with personal data processing, contact us or the Office for Personal Data Protection.
In Prague, 18.11.2019